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How do I join the study?

To sign up for the study, please complete this brief online survey so we can get some basic information about you. Once you have completed the survey, we will contact you about the next steps. All the information you provide will remain private and confidential.

What types of questions will be asked in the survey to join the study?

The survey will ask basic questions about you. For example, it will ask you demographic questions about your age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, etc. At the end of the survey, it will also ask for your contact information so we can get in touch with you.

Where will the interview be?

The interview will be in-person in a private room at the UNC School of Social Work.

Can the study be conducted remotely?

Unfortunately, we do not have the capability to conduct interviews remotely. Our interviews involve an interactive component that necessitates an in-person presence, as we employ a physical “timeline/calendar” activity that doesn’t translate effectively to virtual platforms like Zoom. We understand that transportation can be a barrier to making it out to UNC in-person. Depending on what area you are coming from, we may be able provide up to an additional $15 to help offset travel costs in addition to the $40 baseline compensation for participation.

When will the interview be?

We will work around your schedule to find a time and date for the interview that works best for you. We are generally available to conduct interviews Monday through Sunday staring from 9:00AM to 7:30 PM. We plan on conducting interviews throughout the year, so we can also schedule interviews several months in advance if you need to.

How long will the study take?

This study is designed to be about 90 minutes. Some people may take longer than 90 minutes to complete the study, while others may take less than 90 minutes to complete the study.

When will I receive my $40 compensation?

You will receive your compensation in cash immediately after you complete the study interview. We may also be able to provide some additional compensation to help offset the costs of traveling to the UNC School of Social Work. 

What types of questions will be asked during the interview?

We will ask you questions related to your queer identity. For example, we will ask about when you first came out and your feelings surrounding coming out. We will also talk about mental health challenges you may have dealt with in the past, difficult events that may have happened during your childhood, and how you coped with those challenges.

What if I don’t feel comfortable answering a question during the interview?

You do not have to answer any questions you do not feel like answering, you may take breaks during the interview if needed, and you may stop participating in the study at any time. There will be no consequences for not answering a question or leaving the study early.

How will my information be protected?

We take multiple measures to protect the privacy and confidentiality of your data. All your information will be stored in password-protected UNC computers or locked file cabinets in lockable offices on the UNC campus. Only members of the research team will have access to this information. You will be given a study ID number and your personal information (name and contact information) will be kept separate from your response data. Your personal information will be deleted/destroyed after the study is over.

What happens if I decide to join the study but change my mind?

You can choose not to participate in the study at any time with no consequences.

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